Friday, October 21, 2011

FREE CROCHET PATTERN - Ponytail Holder Scrunchie

designed and created by Janet Marie Marston-McGregor
posted on 10/21/2011


Since I love making things myself, I make my own ponytail holder/scrunchies - here's one I made this week - it's very easy
First, buy a discount package of ponytail rubber bands in any size or kind you like - I like the black ones.

I used a chunky yarn for this one - with size J or K hook (depending on what you like), do a SC around your rubber band until it is as tight as you want it - flex it around and make sure it's all filled in - JOIN;

then, do 3DC (or more for more ruffles) in each SC all the way around; JOIN and fasten off! 

That's it - you can use any type of yarn - if you want no ruffle, don't do 3DC in each SC - either leave it as is or just add 1DC to each SC

for Fun Fur or that type of yarn, I use size J or K hook, and instead of SC around the first time, do DC around, then JOIN and FASTEN OFF - if you want more fluff, add more rows

Please do not sell this pattern - you may use it (and sell what you make), share it, and link back to this site. Enjoy!


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